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Thursday, August 2, 2018

Golf Club Bulletin August 2018

Bulletin - Port Macquarie Golf Club 
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August 2018

Around the Club

The Club's end of year reporting is currently going through the audit process. The un-audited results indicate a nett profit of $55,642 for the 2017/18 year. It is pleasing to maintain a profit during a period affected by increased competition and disruption with building works. The Clubhouse renovation is progressing on time and presently within the contingency amount of budget. All works are due for completion in September with a night being planned in October to celebrate the completion. Our next financial year will be challenging to maintain a net profit position with increased depreciation expenses as the new works are capitalised appropriately. We do forecast an increase in cashflow for the 2018/19 year as support increases towards the Clubhouse.

The Board recently considered the timing of works to improve both the Women's and Men's downstairs bathroom areas. Both areas are aged, tired and have underlying plumbing issues of concern. The view was taken that any short term low cost options would only band-aid the issues and that any works to the area would be on hold until completion of upstairs renovation and re-establishment of suitable cash reserves to undertake the works beyond cosmetic improvements i.e. any works would need to address drainage and plumbing infrastructure at the same time.

The Board recently adopted the 2018/19 Budget, contained within the budget there will be no change in cart prices, competition fees or members social golf green fees for the 2018/19 financial year. 

If any members have access to a drone (not a living one!) with high quality imaging we would love to be provided with some footage either coming in from the ocean or over areas of the course, if you have such footage please email or share files to

The Club recently had the NSW Government Natural Resources Access Regulator attend the Club following an anonymous tip off that the Club was allegedly accessing bore water without the appropriate permits. The matter was investigated and it is pleasing to note that the all clear was given. The Club also recently received correspondence from WorkCover regarding a safety matter on the course which was brought to their attention by another anonymous source. The matter was quickly and easily resolved. I would urge all members if they have concern over a matter pertaining to the Club, that they bring it to the attention of Management. After all, Members have a constitutional obligation to act in the best interests of the Club.

The Board recently approved progressing with the 2011 DA approved clearance of scrub and trees to the rear of the 14th tee, the clearance remains consistent with course plans and allows for lengthening of the 14th and possible transition to a Par 5 as other future works are undertaken.

Thank you to the Men's Vets Committee for the funding of the new clock on the Northern Exterior wall, no more excuses for running late to the tee from the putting green!

The Women's Golf Committee recently amended their timesheet release to a week out from the date of play. If you play regularly in the Women's competitions please note this change.

The Morgans Seaside Classic week of golf event is currently in full swing with a host of players travelling to play our great course. Full results are available by clicking here and are also on the wall of the pro shop eastern entry.

Many members would be aware of issues the Club is presently facing regarding compliance with noise pollution and maintaining the golf course prior to play. The Club is awaiting Council's review of consents that were provided when the course was built in the 50's. In the meantime, the order of play will continue with the 12th being the first hole for the back 9 with 10 and 11 playing as the 17th and 18th. We are holding hope of a sensible outcome.

The Limited Membership category has had a recent amendment approved. The Limited Membership allows play in the 9 hole Women's Vets competition only. Previously you must have been a full playing member for at least 12 months before being allowed to join the Limited Membership, this 12 month period is now not required.

By now most members who are intending on continuing their membership have paid and are financial. If you don't intend to renew please advise (65820409), if you are continuing but haven't paid yet, please make arrangements to do so promptly as the due date has well and truly passed.

A number of members have questioned the legality of expiring vouchers at either the pro- shop or from the Club's accounts. The situation is covered within this ACCC page : click to view. All members are reminded that prizes won and put on the Club account expire 12 months after the date they are placed on the account and for items placed direct on the Pro-Shop account they may be expired at 30 June from 2019.

The R&A and the USGA have announced a series of changes to the Rules of Golf to come into effect from 1 January 2019. Players and officials are reminded that the current edition of the Rules of Golf (2016) must be applied when playing or competing for the remainder of 2018. The 4 main changes are:
  • Dropping procedure: When taking relief (from an abnormal course condition or penalty area, for example), golfers will now drop from knee height. This will ensure consistency and simplicity in the dropping process while also preserving the randomness of the drop. (Key change: the proposed Rules released in 2017 suggested dropping from any height).
  • Measuring in taking relief: The golfer's relief area will be measured by using the longest club in his/her bag (other than a putter) to measure one club-length or two club-lengths, depending on the situation, providing a consistent process for golfers to establish his/her relief area. (Key change: the proposed Rules released in 2017 suggested a 20-inch or 80-inch standard measurement).
  • Removing the penalty for a double hit:  The penalty stroke for accidentally striking the ball more than once in the course of a stroke has been removed. Golfers will simply count the one stroke they made to strike the ball.  (Key change: the proposed Rules released in 2017 included the existing one-stroke penalty).
  • Balls Lost or Out of Bounds: Alternative to Stroke and Distance:  A new Local Rule will now be available in January 2019, permitting committees to allow golfers the option to drop the ball in the vicinity of where the ball is lost or out of bounds (including the nearest fairway area), under a two-stroke penalty. It addresses concerns raised at the club level about the negative impact on pace of play when a player is required to go back under stroke and distance. The Local Rule is not intended for higher levels of play, such as professional or elite level competitions. (Key change:  this is a new addition to support pace of play).
All golfing members are encouraged to view the full details to have an understanding of the changes at , or visit the Golf NSW page which contains a quiz on the changes :\rules-quiz

The Pro - Shop staff have been instructed to issue receipts for all green fee paying players (not competition rounds). This includes members social play when the $5 is charged. Members are requested to request the receipt if it is not issued and to retain the receipt when on the course as proof of payment.

The 2018 Annual General Meeting is scheduled for 7pm Monday 15th October. A meeting notice and financial reports will be made available following the completion of audit. Nominations for the 3 positions on the Board open 9am Friday 7th September and close 5pm Monday 17th September. Positions due for election are President (Bill MacDonald), Director (Glenys Cummings) and Director (Paul Atkin). Below are a couple of Clubs NSW videos in regards to being on a Club Board should you be considering standing.
Clubs NSW - Your obligations as a Director Video
Clubs NSW - Are you the right candidate?

From Golf Australia

Golf Australia CEO Stephen Pitt has advised that from Tuesday 4 September 2018 all golfers and officials will need to log-in to view handicaps and handicap histories on
The new log-in process will only apply when handicap or score history information is being accessed on  Nothing will change for the experience of a member when they remain within their club software system.  Also attached is a table of scenarios that clarifies when the new log-in process will be required, and when there is no change.

Don't chance it with your beer - drink here!

Nothing is left to chance to ensure the beer you drink at Port Macquarie Golf Club is fresh and tastes as it is intended. For 6 months now the Club has used Portermark to maintain its beerlines. With new lines being set in the renovation Portermark are continuing their great work in keeping the lines to the highest standard.
From our partners at Portermark:
"Portermark's mission has always been to ensure the quality of the beer served to the customer is as the brewer intended. It has always been accepted that when a product leaves the brewer it is the best that it can be. However, once delivered, the beer is no longer under any regulatory measures. The consumer relies on the establishment to serve beer of the upmost quality and hygiene.
This is what Portermark beer line cleaning specialises in. We are the missing link between the brewer and the consumer.
Portermark absolutely guarantee that the beer lines will be hygienically cleaned to Food Safety Standards. In line with the food and beverage manufacturing industry, brewers use the same industry accepted critical hygiene limits. Portermark meet or exceed these limits every time – that's how serious we take our commitment to beer quality."
Our hygiene monitor is measuring a product called ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) which is an energy molecule present in all living things and is displayed by a numeric value known as RLUs (Relative Light Units). These values fall into 3 categories:
 PASS = 0 - 10 RLU         CAUTION = 10 - 30 RLU            FAIL = 30+ RLU
Setting tolerances or critical limits for ATP residue in a sample is fundamental in establishing a sanitation monitoring program. Results greater than the upper limit indicate corrective action is required, such as re-cleaning. Like the rest of the food and beverage manufacturing industry, brewers use industry-accepted critical limits of 10 & 30 RLU.
Below shows an example of the standard of the cleanliness of the golf clubs beer lines. You can rest assured that the beer you are drinking is at its optimum hygienic standard. Enjoy!
DATE: 03/07/2018
TIME: 6.48 AM / 8:35AM
LINE:Tooheys New

Ask around other Pubs and Clubs what their Food Safety reading is on their beer lines!!.

INVICTUS Games - Clubs getting behind our injured service personnel

Check out how the Club's Industry is getting behind our injured service men and women with the Invictus Games - Proud to be associated with the cause.

Shout out - Genius wanted!

Engineered noise reduction solution - 1 month project group
Do you have experience in engineering, acoustics or design? We are looking to see if there is expertise amongst our membership to design and construct a noise reduction solution to our commercial blower. The project would require accurate pre-works decibel readings, a design that maintains suitable air-flow around engine and stipulation of use practices (i.e. only activate blower when driving north with material blown east) to direct emitted noise in least disruptive direction. Removable industrial acoustic panellings has been considered as an option, held in place by welded design to existing blower trailer body.

To join the think tank please email

Golf and Society 

Golf NSW have commissioned and released a report on the community impact of golf in NSW.
The research was conducted by Sport Business Partners and Street Ryan, and quantifies the total Economic, Social, Health, and Charitable contribution golf delivers in NSW. This figure is further broken down to encompass each Local Government Area in the state.
"Key findings of the research include;
  • The total annual economic contribution of golf in NSW is $1.225 billion
  • The lifetime health contribution savings of golf in NSW is $1.628 billion
  • Golf tourism has a net worth of $136 million to the NSW economy
  • Golf has a 25% preventative impact on anxiety and depression
  • Golfers are happier, healthier and more connected to their community than non-golfers
A full copy of the report can be viewed by clicking on the image above.
Copyright © 2018 Port Macquarie Golf Club, All rights reserved.
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Port Macquarie Golf Club
Ocean Drive
Port Macquarie, NSW 2444

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