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Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Selwyn Snow Resort - Winter 2020 Update

Selwyn Snow Resort focused on rebuild, but will not open for Winter 2020

The Blyton Group, owner of Selwyn Snow Resort in NSW, has today announced that due to the extent of the damage sustained in the bushfires earlier this year, Selwyn Snow Resort will not be open for the 2020 snow season.

An initial assessment of critical resort infrastructure has identified extensive damage to buildings, power, water, sewerage and snowmaking. Selwyn Snow Resort has been advised that restoration of power alone will take several months, due to the damage of several kilometres of power poles leading to the resort.

Preparations for the clean-up of the site are underway with demolition of all buildings required, as well as the removal of destroyed resort machinery such as groomers, skidoos and snow clearers. Detailed assessment of lifting and snowmaking infrastructure will continue to be undertaken, requiring portable generators to be brought on-site.

Kevin James Blyton, Chairman of the Blyton Group said, 'We are incredibly saddened by the impact this fire has had, not only on our resort but on the wider local community as well. We have considered a range of options to try and resume operations for this coming winter, however the damage to critical infrastructure is simply too extensive to make this possible.

We recognise the impact these fires have had on local operators, not only for this summer period, but for the peak winter season ahead. We are actively discussing this situation with government at all levels to try and ensure that support is made available for these communities.

But have no doubt, my team and I are totally focused on the rebuild of Selwyn Snow Resort and we look forward to welcoming guests back to an even better Selwyn.'

Discussions are ongoing with the New South Wales Government regarding the rebuild process, including engagement with the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment and National Parks and Wildlife Service.

Selwyn Snow Resort 2020 Season Pass holders will be offered the ability to transfer their Season Pass to the Blyton Group's other snow resort Charlotte Pass Snow Resort at no additional cost, or alternatively receive a full refund of any payments made to date.

Seasonal Employees who had been offered the opportunity to return to Selwyn Snow Resort for the upcoming season, will be offered the opportunity to instead work at Charlotte Pass Snow Resort for Winter 2020.

Regular updates on the rebuild process will be made available at

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